WARNING: 18+ only.This site contains sexually explicit material and transgender themes which some may find offensive.
The satisfaction from doing this is knowing others enjoy them. Please comment or at least click on a rating to give me a sign that there is life out there.
Just a very quick little caption along that well worn line of what happens when you are not careful when granted a wish by a mischievous genie.
The hair and clothes are from the Daz Dollar Daze sale that has started recently. They are offering lots of their older stuff at really good prices, which are great for giving Victoria and Michael a big lift.
This is a quickie that shows that it can sometimes be hard to see what hardship is the greater torture. Murray finds his escape gives many difficulties and he has much less to think about when he is back in his cage.
Just watched a programme on the use of torture - enhanced interrogation techniques - under the Bush regime and thought of this, which is a kind of variation on the normal TG techniques.
Beware if your sister is always treated as a delicate flower by your parents. She might decide she has had enough and it is your turn to be girly. Now it's George's turn to go out dancing with HER boyfriend.
This was going to be a great way to share his current passion for pretty things with his friends and family. Danny was going to let them see him as they never had before in his personal Christmas card.